Monday, May 12, 2014

Hmm ... How does that work?

So I won again this week, but it didn't feel very earned. I did not loose any weight but I didn't gain, so while I guess that's a win, it's a bit disappointing after such a success last week.

I decided to lower the number of calories I'm allowed in a day to help offset that inevitable binge day I seem to keep having once a week. It may be tomorrow, I'm having beer n pizza with a friend, YUM!

Starting Weight: 218
Current Weight: 212.8

I will this week:

- eat better, less binge eating
- more exercise (even if it's just 30 mins)
- get things done .. Make a schedule and stick to it!

Monday, May 5, 2014


So we completed the first week of "the game" and I am the winner!! Now we obviously are both winners loosing 2 & 4 lbs. ... But I did get more points ha! The prize I drew out of the prize jar was no AM dog duty for a week, hello luxury!

Overall, it was a good week. I could have stepped up my game over the weekend but we had a GREAT anniversary and loved all the food and surprises :-)

Starting Weight: 217
Current Weight: 212.8

This Week I Will:
- begin a winning streak 
- exercise more

Monday, April 28, 2014

BDubs Fights Back

So apparently eating at BDubs after a work out was a BAD idea. I'm currently laying down with an upset stomach, while my fiancé "handles his issues" in the hall bath (sorry babe!)

Good news is it's been a decent week! I did really well tracking M-F, tracked nothing Saturday, and tracked after the fact Sunday. Overall, considering we had out of town visitors, I did pretty okay :)

Also, the man and I began a challenge against each other. You get points for different accomplishments, and whoever has the most points on Sunday, WINS!

Starting Weight: 218
Current Weight: 216.6

Goals for the Week:
- workout 6/7 days
- win the challenge this week
- take my lunch to work every day
- eat breakfast

Monday, April 21, 2014

My New Life in My Old Body

So it's been exactly 1 year since I posted last and man has my life changed ... 

1. I'm engaged to a wonderful man who loves all my perfect imperfections 

2. I'm living in another city and trying to find my way 

3. I'm working at a new job .. Part-time because I needed more free time to think about food ha!

4. The only one you all would truly want to know ... I weigh 218 pounds

Obviously my world is pretty great with the exception that I've gained back all the weight I lost +2. I won't sit here and say "I don't know how it happened". It happened because I got lazy and let fat lizzie run the show. But, I made a promise in my very first post .. I will get back up and try again when I fall. 

Dusting myself off took me a little longer than I'd liked it too ... But here goes nothing folks!

Starting Weight: 218
Current Weight: 218

Tomorrow I Will:
- exercise before or after work
- make healthy meals for Adam & I
- eat out & hangout with a bestie for dinner

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stresses and Dresses

So this weekend (well week) has been a whirlwind of emotions. A boy I helped babysit (because my friend was his nanny) passed away. I keep faith he is happier in heaven.
Now the point of that depressing story ... I went to put on a dress to wear to the funeral and couldn't zip it up all the way :( because I needed to get frustrated by that lol
So my goal for this coming week is to exercise more often to lessen my stress .... Maybe?

Starting weight: 216
Current weight: 190

Tomorrow I Will:

- enjoy the sunshine
- spend time with R before she leaves
- be greatful!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nose Dive

So starting with dessert last night and into all meals so far today, I have taken a diet nose dive ha! All good tasting foods but bad for me foods. Dear cold stone - thanks but also screw you!

Tmrw is another day ....

Starting Weight: 216
Current Weight: 189

Tomorrow I Will:
- eat cleaner and healthier
- walk Harley in the pretty weather
- go grocery shopping to cleanse my food stock pile

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Clean Eating

Well I hit a bit of a low this weekend ... I pretty much ate everything in sight and am sitting here not liking myself too much.

I think I'm going to take a note from my sister ... Eat things that have fewer ingredients and things with ingredients I can pronounce. Too many things have "extras" in them that don't need to be there!

Starting Weight: 216
Current Weight: 191

Tomorrow I Will:
- grocery shop for clean foods
- feed the girls at work
- walk/lift and try to feel better inside